Back home

 After three weeks of living at my sister-in-law's house, the boys and I came home.  I'd pressed charges, he was cited with Assualt Family Violence, and I had a protection order.  What I needed was access to our house. We had the protective order hearing and hearing for temporary orders on February 27.  My lawyer explained they would probably want to settle.  I was prepared to testify to everything that happened and my boys were there to talk to the judge.  My sister-in-law was also there to testify if needed. We all waited in the jury room so I didn't have to see him.  

My lawyer came and got me and told me his offer.  He would give me the house and 5 acres with the stipulation that I would sell immediately.  He would keep his retirement and I would drop the protective order with an injunction put into place.  He said he had nowhere to go and didn't want to leave the land.  I agreed to everything except he had to leave while I lived there.  We have two houses on the land and I didn't feel safe with him there.  No one felt safe with him there.  

My lawyer came back and said he would leave by 4 pm that day but would pay less child support.  Whatever, really whatever.  If that's what I had to do to keep me and my boys safe, it's worth it.  I had asked about our son's college, he is leaving in August and was told he said no.   

We went before the judge and entered the agreement.  The divorce wasn't ready to be processed but that was on the record.   I met with the DA's office to make sure they knew I planned on not dropping the charges.  He was going to stay at his sister's house and we were going home!  I took my sister-in-law and boys to lunch and waited for him to clear out.  

When we got home, Zach and I reprogrammed the house to change all the codes and get everything secure. Over the next couple of days, we figured out that he only took a few clothes, his humidor, a table, over a dozen guns, and more than a thousand rounds of ammo.  To say this freaked me out is an understatement. He was going to be gone for months.  His priority was guns.  I still worry I shouldn't have dropped the protective order, which would have kept the guns from him and would have ordered him into therapy.  There was a chance I could have lost it.  It wasn't a sure thing.  So, I can't second guess making the best decision I made at the time.  

I've spent days cleaning the house and settling back in.  I don't sleep well.  I'm up every hour or so.  I'm thankful for my dogs, they won't leave my side.  Tonight I'm getting ready for a ski trip I booked and paid for in November.  I'd asked Zach what he wanted to do for his senior spring break and he said asking.  I made it happen and had no idea this is how it would turn out.  

This is part of my new life.  Traveling with my boys.  
